The information in this handbook is accurate as at October 1st 2024. Although it may be necessary for changes to be made in certain circumstances, as explained at www.graduate.ox.ac.uk/coursechanges, it is hoped to keep such changes to a minimum. If changes are made the faculty will publish a new version of this handbook together with a list of the changes and students will be informed.
The Examination Regulations relating to this course are available at https://examregs.admin.ox.ac.uk or Appendix 2 below.
If you have any concerns or queries please contact the Graduate Office at graduate.office@history.ox.ac.uk.
This handbook should be read in conjunction with the History of Art Introductory Guide for Graduates, which contains key departmental information. An electronic copy of this document can be found at MSt History of Art and Visual Culture (ox.ac.uk).
This handbook has been prepared for students starting the MSt History of Art and Visual Culture in Michaelmas Term 2024. We hope that it will be particularly useful to you when you first arrive in Oxford, but you are advised to refer to it throughout your course, as it will be of considerable help throughout the period of your study.
It contains information about the structure of the course, teaching and assessment deadlines, how to format and submit your work, and the exam conventions that set out how your work is marked. It also acts as a signpost to more general information, including useful contacts and locations around the Faculty and university.
Term dates can be found here: Dates of Term | University of Oxford
As well as this handbook, you will also find these other sources of information useful:
The History of Art Introductory Guide for Graduates: MSt History of Art and Visual Culture (ox.ac.uk) |
contains key departmental information |
Canvas: https://canvas.ox.ac.uk/ | To find information about your course, such as reading lists and available options. |
The Oxford Historians Hub: https://ohh.web.ox.ac.uk/ | To find information on studying history at Oxford, the termly lecture list, details of the Oxford History Graduate Network, how to present your work when submitting it, and other general information relating to your studies. |
Examination regulations: https://examregs.admin.ox.ac.uk/. | The definitive rules that govern the course. |
Marking criteria and conventions | The rules by which your work is marked. |
Your supervisor will review, monitor and comment on your academic progress using Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR), which is accessible via Student Self Service (https://www.ox.ac.uk/students/selfservice). You are also encouraged to submit comments on this system.
An introduction to Oxford for new students is available on the university website: https://www.ox.ac.uk/students/new.
This programme is convened and administered by the Department of History of Art and the Faculty of History. If you need help or advice relating to your course, and can’t find the answer in this handbook or on Canvas, you should contact one of the following:
- Your supervisor(s)
- The History of Art admin office (admin@hoa.ox.ac.uk)
- The Graduate Office (graduate.office@history.ox.ac.uk)
- The programme coordinator: MT: Professor JP Park (jp.park@hoa.ox.ac.uk)/ HT, TT: Professor Geoffrey Batchen (geoffrey.batchen@history.ox.ac.uk)
- The Director of Graduate Studies:
- Dr Katherine Lebow (katherine.lebow@history.ox.ac.uk)
- Your College: you will have a College Advisor, as well as a Tutor for Graduates, Senior Tutor, or Dean of Graduates. Please do attend your College induction events to find out who your college contacts are, for both academic and welfare matters.
Details of the administrative staff that support the Master’s courses can be found on the Academic Administration page of the History Faculty website: https://www.history.ox.ac.uk/administrative-staff.
If you have any comments or suggestions about the content of this handbook, please email them to admin@hoa.ox.ac.uk or graduate.office@history.ox.ac.uk.