Termly Lecture List

Undergraduates and graduates are recommended to read through all sections of the list and not to focus narrowly on those specifically designated for particular paper options. Students in Joint Schools are particularly referred to the lists for their other subject, but History undergraduates are also encouraged to browse them according to their particular interests.

Lecture List 2024-25

There may be late changes and amendments to this Lecture List. Please check the list frequently, especially within the first few weeks of term.

Please direct enquiries about the Lecture List to the Academic Office Assistant, Rowan Ritchie (aoa@history.ox.ac.uk)

Important Information

Lectures begin on the first possible day after the beginning of Full Term and run in Weeks 1-8 of term unless otherwise stated.

Events shown on this list are generally one hour long, unless otherwise stated.

Lectures in the Faculty of History are, in most cases, linked to a specific undergraduate paper, and will cover topics and themes related to that particular course of study. They may provide an overview of a given topic, highlight certain historiographical challenges, or explore a particular line of argument in detail, but should not be considered a comprehensive resource or a substitute for reading.

Students should note that lectures are not necessarily linked to specific tutorial topics, nor will they necessarily follow tutorials/classes in sequence. Students should synthesise lecture content with their own reading, and consider lectures part of a wider programme of study.

Please note that some lecture courses will take place in a different term to the relevant classes and tutorials. This may particularly apply to lectures for British and European and World History, but also some specialist papers as well. Students are responsible for identifying and attending lectures which are relevant to them.

As a rule, all students (whether undergraduate or graduate) may attend any lectures that catch their interest, for their own sake or to guide them in future choices of courses or topics, including for their theses. Lecture courses are marked with the following symbols, which offer a guide to attendance: 

O = Open to any university member to attend at any time

A = Open to members of the university upon application; admission at the discretion of the convenor

X = (normally) restricted to members of the university taking the appropriate paper.

If in doubt, students should contact the course convenor.

Non-members of the University who are not otherwise exempted1may not attend university lectures (unless they are detailed under ‘Special Lectures’ or announced as open to the general public), except by prior agreement of the department or faculty concerned.

The department or faculty may charge a fee for attendance. The level of fee is a matter for departmental discretion. A lecturer may for personal reasons occasionally admit a person to his or her own lecture or lectures without a fee. The department or faculty may refuse the right of attendance to any person or category of person for whatever reason. They may at any time withdraw the right to attendance, and any lecturer may exclude a person from his or her lectures without reason given; in either case the department shall determine what proportion (if any) of any fee paid shall be refunded. Attendance at lectures given in any college building shall be subject to the right of the college concerned to refuse admission.

The following non-members are exempted, i.e, they may attend university lectures advertised in lecture lists: students whose names are entered on the Register of Diploma students, or the Register of Recognised Students, or the Register of Visiting Students; and, when space permits, non-members of the University who are university or college employees.