Periods: | 1 = Early | 2 = Middle | 3 = Late |
Location: | A: British and Irish |
B: European |
C: Asian, African, American, Global and Transnational |
Preliminary Examination in History
No. | Paper Title | Period | Location |
[1] | History of the British Isles | ||
BIP1 | The British Isles, 300-1100 | 1 | A |
BIP2 | The British Isles, 1000-1330 | 1 | A |
BIP3 | The British Isles, 1330-1550 | 2 | A |
BIP4 | The British Isles, 1500-1700 | 2 | A |
BIP5 | The British Isles, 1688-1848 | 3 | A |
BIP6 | The British Isles, 1830-1951 | 3 | A |
[2] | European and World History | ||
EWP1 | Transformation of the Ancient World, 370-900 | 1 | B, C |
EWP2 | Communities, Connections and Confrontations, 1000-1300 | 1 | B, C |
EWP3 | Renaissance, Recovery & Reform, 1400-1650 | 2 | B |
EWP4 | Society, Nation and Empire, 1815-1914 | 3 | B |
[3] |
Optional Subjects |
OS1 |
Theories of the State: Aristotle, Hobbes, Rousseau, Marx |
B |
OS2 |
Alfred and the Vikings: Conflict, Culture and Identity in the Early Middle Ages |
A |
OS3 |
Early Gothic France, c.1100-c.1150 |
B |
OS4 |
The Mongols |
C |
OS5 |
Sexuality, Climate and Politics: the world of Edward II, 1307-27 |
A |
OS6 |
Crime and Punishment in England, c.1280-c.1450 |
A |
OS7 |
Nature and Art in the Renaissance |
A, B |
OS8 |
Witch-craft and Witch-hunting in Early Modern Europe |
A, B |
OS9 |
Making England Protestant, 1558-1642 |
A |
OS10 |
Conquest and Colonization: Spain and America in the Sixteenth Century |
C |
OS11 |
Revolution and Empire in France, 1789-1815 |
B |
OS12 |
Women, Gender and the Nation: Britain, 1789-1825 |
A |
OS13 |
Brigands in a Landscape: Banditry, Rural Crime and Rebellion in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Regions c. 1750-1950 |
B |
OS14 |
When Neighbours Became Strangers: Intercommunal relations and Sectarianism in the Middle East, 1840-1900 |
B, C |
OS15 |
Haiti and Louisiana: The Problem of Revolution in an Age of Slavery |
C |
OS16 |
Imperial Republic: The United States and Global Imperialism, 1867-1914 |
C |
OS17 |
The New Woman in Britain and Ireland, c.1880-1920 |
A |
OS18 |
The Rise and Crises of European Socialisms, 1883-1921 |
B |
OS19 |
1919: Remaking the World |
B, C |
OS20 |
Living with the Enemy: the Experience of the Second World War in Europe |
B |
OS21 |
Global USSR: Empires, Borders and Identities |
B |
OS22 |
Viewing Communism: Cinema and Everyday Life in Eastern Europe, 1944-1989 |
B |
OS23 |
Radicalism in Britain, 1965-1975 |
A |
OS24 |
The World of Homer and Hesiod |
B |
OS25 |
Augustan Rome |
B |
OS26 |
Industrialization in Britain and France, 1750-1870 (History and Economics only) |
A, B |
[4] |
Paper 4 | ||
App | Approaches to History | ||
Hogy | Historiography: Tacitus to Weber | ||
Quant | Quantification in History | ||
FT1 | Foreign Text : Herodotus | ||
FT2 | Foreign Text : Einhard and Asser | ||
FT3 | Foreign Text : Tocqueville | ||
FT4 | Foreign Text : Meinecke and Kehr | ||
FT5 | Foreign Text : Machiavelli | ||
FT6 | Foreign Text : Vicens Vives | ||
FT7 | Foreign Text : Trotsky |
Final Honour School of History
No. | Paper Title | Period | Location |
[1] | History of the British Isles | ||
BIF1 | The Early Medieval British Isles, 300-1100 | 1 | A |
BIF2 | The British Isles in the Central Middle Ages, 1000-1330 | 1 | A |
BIF3 | The Late Medieval British Isles, 1330-1550 | 2 | A |
BIF4 | Reformations and Revolutions, 1500-1700 | 2 | A |
BIF5 | Liberty, Commerce and Power, 1685-1830 | 3 | A |
BIF6 | Power, Politics and the People, 1815-1924 | 3 | A |
BIF7 | Changing Identities, 1900-present | 3 | A |
BITa | Theme: Bodies of Feeling: Gender and Sexual Identity since c.1500 | A | |
BITb | Theme: The Making and Unmaking of the United Kingdom, 1603-present | A | |
[2] | European and World History | ||
EWF1 | The World of Late Antiquity, 250-650 | 1 | B, C |
EWF2 | The Early Medieval World, 600-1000 | 1 | B, C |
EWF3 | The Central Middle Ages, 900-1300 | 1 | B, C |
EWF4 | The Global Middle Ages, 500-1500 | 1 | C |
EWF5 | The Late Medieval World, 1300-1525 | 2 | B, C |
EWF6 | Early Modern Europe, 1500-1700 | 2 | B |
EWF7 | Eurasian Empires, 1450-1800 | 2 | C |
EWF8 | Enlightenments and Revolutions: Europe 1680-1815 | 3 | B |
EWF9 | From Independence to Empire: America 1763-1898 | 3 | C |
EWF10 | The European Century, 1820-1925 | 3 | B |
EWF11 | Imperial and Global History, 1750-1930 | 3 | C |
EWF12 | The Making of Modern America since 1863 | 3 | C |
EWF13 | Europe Divided, 1914-1989: Crises, Conflicts, Identities | 3 | B |
EWF14 | The Global Twentieth Century, 1930-2003 | 3 | C |
EWTa | Theme: Masculinity and its Discontents, 200-2000 | B, C | |
EWTb | Theme: Global Networks of Innovation: China, Islam, and the West, 1100-1700 | B, C | |
EWTc | Theme: Waging War in Eurasia, 1200-1945 | B, C | |
[3] |
Further Subjects |
FS1 |
Anglo-Saxon Archaeology c. 600-750: Society and Economy in the early Christian period. |
A |
FS2 |
The Near East in the Age of Justinian and Muhammad, 527-c.700 |
B, C |
FS3 |
The Carolingian Renaissance |
B |
FS4 |
The Crusades, c.1095-1291 |
B, C |
FS5 |
Culture and Society in Early Renaissance Italy, 1290-1348 |
B |
FS6 |
Flanders and Italy in the Quattrocento, 1420-1480 |
B |
FS7 |
The Wars of the Roses, c.1450-c.1500 |
A |
FS8 |
Gender and Protestant Cultures in England, 1558-1659 |
A |
FS9 |
Literature and Politics in Early Modern England |
A |
FS10 |
The Iberian Global Century, 1550-1650 |
B, C |
FS11 |
Writing in the Early Modern Period, 1550-1750 |
A, B, C |
FS12 |
Court Culture and Art in Early Modern Europe, 1580-1700 |
B |
FS13 |
War and Society in Britain and Europe, c.1650-1815 |
A, B |
FS14 |
The Metropolitan Crucible: London, 1685-1815 |
A |
FS15 |
Histories of Madness and Mental Healing in a Global Context |
A, C |
FS16 |
Imperial Pathologies: Britain and its Empire, c.1720-c.1840 |
A, C |
FS17 |
Black Women and British Society, 1750-c.1865 |
A |
FS18 |
Nationalism in Western Europe, c.1799-1890 |
B |
FS19 |
Intellect and Culture in Victorian Britain |
A |
FS20 |
The Authority of Nature: Race, Heredity and Crime, 1800-1940 |
A, B, C |
FS21 |
The Middle East in the Age of Empire, 1830-1971 |
C |
FS22 |
L’Année Terrible, 1870-71: War, Revolutions and the Rise and Fall of Empires |
B |
FS23 |
Transformations and Transitions in African History since c. 1800 |
C |
FS24 |
Queer Britain, 1820-2000 |
A |
FS25 |
Modern Japan, 1868-1972 |
C |
FS26 |
History of the World Economy (HECO only) |
C |
FS27 |
Nationalism, Politics and Culture in Ireland, c.1870-1921 |
A |
FS28 |
A Global War, 1914-1919 |
B, C |
FS29 |
China since 1900 |
C |
FS30 |
The Soviet Union, 1924-1941 |
B |
FS31 |
Culture, Politics and Identity in Cold War Europe, 1945-1968 |
B |
FS32 |
Jews in Poland in the Twentieth Century: History and Memory |
B |
FS33 |
America's Hidden Empire: Soft Power and US Influence during the Cold War |
C |
FS34 |
Britain at the Movies: Film and National Identity since 1914 |
A |
FS35 |
Scholastic and Humanist Political Thought |
A, B |
FS36 |
Political and Social Thought in the Age of Enlightenment |
A, B |
FS37 |
Political Theory and Social Science, c.1780-1920 |
A, B, C |
FS38 |
Postcolonial Historiography: Writing the (Indian) Nation |
C |
FS39 |
Women’s Liberation: Feminism in Britain, c.1969-1990 |
A |
FS40 |
Modern Mexico, 1876-1994 |
C |
[4,5] |
Special Subjects |
SS1 |
St Augustine and the Last Days of Rome, 370-430 |
B, C |
SS2 |
Francia in the Age of Clovis and Gregory of Tours |
B |
SS3 |
On the Road to Baghdad, 892-1055 |
B, C |
SS4 |
Byzantium in the Age of Constantine Porphyrogenitus, 913-959 |
C |
SS5 |
The Norman Conquest of England |
A |
SS6 |
Joan of Arc and her Age, 1419-1435 |
B |
SS7 |
Politics, Art and Culture in the Italian Renaissance, Venice and Florence |
B |
SS8 |
The Peasants' War of 1525 |
B |
SS9 |
The Trial of the Tudor State: Politics, Religion and Society, 1540-1560 |
A |
SS10 |
The Crisis of the Reformation: Political Thought and Religious Ideas, 1560-1610 |
A, B |
SS11 |
The Thirty Years’ War |
B |
SS12 |
The Scientific Movement in the Seventeenth Century |
A, B |
SS13 |
Revolution and Republic, 1647-1658 |
A |
SS14 |
English Architecture, 1660-1720 |
A |
SS15 |
Imperial Crisis and Reform, 1774-1784 |
A |
SS16 |
Becoming a Citizen, c.1860-1902 |
A |
SS17 |
Race, Sex and Medicine in the Early Atlantic World |
C |
SS18 |
Art and its Public in France, 1815-1867 |
B |
SS19 |
Slavery, Emancipation and the Crisis of the Union, 1848-1865 |
C |
SS20 |
Race, Religion and Resistance in the United States, from Jim Crow to Civil Rights |
C |
SS21 |
The End of Empire: The Collapse of Soviet Order in Eurasia |
B, C |
SS22 |
Empire and Nation in Russia and the USSR |
B, C |
SS23 |
From Gandhi to the Green Revolution: India, Independence and Modernity, 1939-1969 |
C |
SS24 |
The Spanish Civil War in Context |
B |
SS25 |
Nazi Germany, a racial order, 1933-1945 |
B |
SS26 |
France from the Popular Front to the Liberation, 1936-1944 |
B |
SS27 |
War and Reconstruction: Ideas, Politics and Social Change, 1939-1945 |
A |
SS28 |
Britain from the Bomb to the Beatles: Gender, Class, and Social Change, 1945-1967 |
A |
SS29 |
Society, Culture and Politics in Socialist China |
C |
SS30 |
Pop and the Art of the Sixties |
A, B, C |
SS31 |
The Northern Ireland Troubles, 1965-1985 |
A |
SS32 |
Britain in the Seventies |
A |
SS33 |
Neoliberalism and Postmodernism: Ideas, Politics and Culture in Europe and North America, 1970-2000 |
B, C |
SS34 |
Revolutions of 1989 |
B |
SS35 |
Art and Politics: Class and Power in Chinese Art |
C |
SS36 |
Art and the Invention of Race |
A, C |
[6] | Disciplines of History | ||
[7] | Compulsory Thesis |