A candidate’s final outcome will first be considered using the classification rules/final outcome rules as described above in section 4. The exam board will then consider any further information they have on individual circumstances, as well as on the whole cohort.
Detailed guidance has been published on how exam boards should assess any impact of the pandemic on the whole cohort sitting a particular paper. This includes a review by the board of paper level marks against those of the years 2017-2019. Where appropriate, paper level marks may be adjusted by scaling to bring average marks more in line with expected outcomes and the results from 2017-2019. The board will also review overall outcomes against those of the 2017-2019 cohorts and may use its discretion to progress or classify students in reference to these results.
At individual level, candidates may provide a statement alongside any submitted work to describe the impact that lack of access to in-person resources or activities has had on their submission.
Candidates may make a submission under Part 13 of the Regulations for Conduct of University Examinations, that unforeseen circumstances may have had an impact on their performance in an examination. A subset of the board (the ‘Mitigating Circumstances Panel’) will meet to discuss the individual applications and band the seriousness of each application on a scale of 1-3 with 1 indicating minor impact, 2 indicating moderate impact, and 3 indicating very serious impact. The Panel will evaluate, on the basis of the information provided to it, the relevance of the circumstances to examinations and assessment, and the strength of the evidence provided in support. Examiners will also note whether all or a subset of papers were affected, being aware that it is possible for circumstances to have different levels of impact on different papers. The banding information will be used at the final board of examiners meeting to decide whether and how to adjust a candidate’s results.